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1 September 2004 Myxomycetes of Cedars of Lebanon State Park, Wilson County, Tennessee
Wayne C. Rosing
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A survey of myxomycetes was conducted at three sites within Cedars of Lebanon State Park, Wilson County, Tennessee from May 1 to September 30, 1993. Fructifications that developed on samples of bark and plant debris placed in moist chamber cultures were used to supplement field collections. The present report deals with 216 specimens representing 54 species of myxomycetes. Two of these (Comatricha fimbriata and Hemitrichia intorta) are new reports from Tennessee.

Wayne C. Rosing "Myxomycetes of Cedars of Lebanon State Park, Wilson County, Tennessee," Castanea 69(3), 226-229, (1 September 2004).<0226:MOCOLS>2.0.CO;2
Received: 26 June 2003; Accepted: 1 October 2003; Published: 1 September 2004
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